Every student deserves a Reading Future.
Live Online Reading Intervention for Older Students
Reading Futures provides live, online small-group reading intervention to students with dyslexia or other significant reading difficulties. Our affordable model uses highly trained educators, scientifically proven reading programs, and supportive teaching methods to meet the specific needs of middle and secondary students.
Specialized, Proven Curriculum
Reading Futures uses the Empower™️ curriculum developed by Dr. Maureen Lovett and her team at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. The program is backed by 35 years of rigorous research and validated in large-scale randomized controlled trials with students with severe reading difficulties.. EmpowerTM features:
Explicit and systematic instruction in decoding and multisyllabic word reading
Opportunities to develop fluency and comprehension while practicing new word reading strategies in multiple types of text
A metacognitive frame and “self-talk” dialogue that helps students approach unfamiliar words with confidence
Teacher modeling and activities that instill students with positive attitudes and reframe struggle as a productive part of the learning process. Learn more.
A Partner for MTSS and Special Education
Schools work with Reading Futures for Tier 3 instruction in an MTSS model or as special education services for students with IEPs. Reading Futures administers diagnostic assessments, ensuring that the most at-risk students get the instruction they need. We also provide progress monitoring and documentation to satisfy various compliance requirements and, of course, to celebrate achievements along the way.
Expert Teachers
Reading Futures teachers are all certified, many in special education. They have additional training in dyslexia, structured literacy, and English as a new language. 86% of our teachers hold a master's degree, with an average of thirteen years teaching experience. As a DOD-approved Military Spouse Employment Partner, we provide an opportunity for excellent teachers to remain in the profession while living their personal commitments to family and country. Meet our team!
Intensive & Convenient Online Instruction
Reading Futures teachers meet with students online for 45-60 minutes per day, four or five days a week. Our students are multiple years below grade level, so we plan for 80-100 hours of instruction. By assigning a single teacher to the same group of students for the entire school year, we are able to build the trust and rapport needed to reach students who’ve often experienced years of difficulty and frustration.
Life Changing
Reading Futures fosters a learning environment designed to make all students feel welcome, capable, and empowered to reach their full potential. We believe that it is never too late to give students access to the literacy skills needed for success in school and in life. Take it from our students and school partners themselves to learn how Reading Futures has delivered on its promise.
“Everyone’s engaged. Students in the groups who are disengaged in their other classes are totally different in these classes. They feel successful and they want to participate.”
“The improvement in his reading has been fantastic since the start of this program…. His willingness to try challenging academic tasks and his desire to be a positive member of the learning community have shifted greatly since his reading has improved.”
Bring Reading Futures to Your School
Our live, online intervention serves students in grades 5 and up who are reading in the bottom 10th percentile.
If you would like to learn more, please share you contact information and we’ll get back to you right away.