Every child deserves a Reading Future

Reading Futures at Home

Is your child struggling with reading? Are they behind on standardized tests and school reading assessments? If so, Reading Futures at Home can help. Our virtual, at-home tutoring program is designed for students who are at least one year behind grade level on reading. We do not require a formal diagnosis of dyslexia or reading disability. We will meet your child where they are and provide them with the structured literacy instruction they need to get back on track and become readers for life!

Services for Families

Reading Buddy


This package is for two students to work with one Reading Futures teacher. You can invite your own reading buddy, or we’ll do our best to make a match.

Single Student


This package is for one-on-one, individualized virtual tutoring with a Reading Futures teacher.

You can choose either 3 or 4 times per week during the scheduling phase.

Each session is 50 minutes long.

Learn More & Get Signed Up

  1. Get in Touch

Share your info with us below and a placement specialist will set up a follow-up meeting with you and your child.

2. Meet and Assess

We’ll have a short meeting with you and your child to determine their placement into the correct program level.

3. Start Reading

We’ll send you an agreement, class schedule, information on how to connect online, and ship a learning kit to your house.

“ I knew my son struggled with reading and just attributed it to his age, reassuring myself that he would get there, he just needed time. As time went on and things weren’t changing for him, I was at a loss as to what to do. I was serendipitously referred to Reading Futures through a series of miraculous events and this was a pivotal changing point in my son’s life as well as for our whole family, more broadly. My son worked with a tutor for a total of 45 hours the summer between 3rd and 4th grade. His tutor was very kind and patient with him. She (Ms. Emily) took the time to learn how my son learns, how his brain works and what kind of person he is. Her attentiveness to him really helped support him through the hard work they were doing together. Their work helped him to finally build the foundation for reading that he hadn’t yet built in school. I didn’t realize that he needed a totally different approach to learning how to read and decode words than he had been getting. His school had also not realized this, leaving him very behind. I was concerned that we were at a pivotal point with his reading, one where he would be left behind in school and that it would start to affect his confidence and interest in school. My son is a very bright child, and I was concerned he would start a personal narrative that because he struggled with literacy, he must not be smart or “good at school.” Thankfully, it was at this point that we connected with Reading Futures and he finally got the help he needed. This changed things for him in a profound way. He returned to school for 4th grade, able to read independently and at a reasonable pace to keep up with his class. He stated to me that he felt more confidence with reading and more confidence in school in general because of his new found knowledge and ability. It feels cliche to say, but it is the truth, this program really changed my son’s life and illuminated things about his brain that I didn’t know before and I hadn’t been able to support him with alone. Reading Futures really changed our lives and I am deeply grateful. We needed this support and thankfully we got it. When I see my son sitting on the couch and reading to himself my whole heart smiles, I am full of gratitude for this program”

-Anna, Parent of 4th grade student

From our Parents

“He was so excited when every week he could read more and more words. He is confident now! Thank you Liz and Mr.W you guys are awesome.”

- Parent of 4th grade student

“It has been amazing! She loves her teacher and loves learning. Her word attack skills are so much better and she always wants to go to her tutoring session. She is a transformed child and learner!”

-Eric, Parent of second grade student